A Private War |
by Tim Eccles

This is a WFRP fanzine that provided a campaign in four parts. The first issue, "A Private War", is still available from author Tim Eccles. If you are a Warpstone reader, you will know Tim’s work from his articles with us. We also published an (independent) review in issue 19. In terms of mass "A Private War" is 98 pages, size A4 in two columns of TNR 10-point print. There are also tables and diagrams. It is perfect bound (i.e. no staples and with a proper spine) in black and white throughout by a professional printer. It has a front cover drawn by a proper artist and is properly typeset. The rear cover offers a full-size map of the city of Wolfenburg, and this is repeated inside with a full key to all major locations. |
In terms of content, it is a campaign plus complete backgrounds and source material for Nordland and Ostland. This includes details of all the major settlements and many ostensibly less important ones, the coaching inns on the Erengrad Road and a whole section on the politics, religion, customs and peculiarities of both provinces. Want to know what they eat and drink, how they dress, what dances are in vogue or what beard to sport in the latest fashion? It is all here. Are you worried about whether to sit your PCs on a stool or an armchair? Then worry no more. You also get a magnificent map of Wolfenburg and full city write-up. Plus lots more! However, none of this undermines the fact that you also receive a fully play-tested scenario within the fanzine, and which can stand alone. |
You can find fuller details at Tim’s own website and clicking onto the Warhammer page. There are also write-ups of his own game, which was one of the two play-tests for 'A Private War'. A number of reviews of the fanzine have been produced, and a couple of examples are as follows |
Reviews in the Public Domain
Robert Rees writing in Saint Sebastien #8 says "I would thoroughly recommend getting hold of a copy if you are either a fan of WFRP or interestingly put together roleplaying scenarios. Covering the mysterious flight and subsequent pursuit of a university professor Private War sensibly opts for a central storyline around which plenty of background material is arranged to ensure that things are kept far from linear. It is a quality product and at £10 almost insultingly cheap."
In Carnel 17, Robert offers "Tim Eccles' Old World is a damnably dark place … there is a lot of material to digest in the book … It is a solid distinctive book … It certainly knocks most WFRP material into a cocked hat. It is also an invigorating read in its own right and fans of FRP might want to have a copy just to hear an individual voice among the d20 blandness that we have been suffering currently."
There have also been positive comments posted at the Critical Hit forum pages and a positive review in the Warhammer e-zine Strike-to-Stun. |